Aminet 30
Aminet 30 (1999)(Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1999].iso
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The Chat - 3
Welcome to the Third chat! This time, we have a guest who speaks! Cybermonk
joins later, but only says a few words and then nothing else! We had
problems with this aswell. I got cut off twice, and the second time caused
big probs and I couldn't reconnect. Anyway, It's just me and Sam again, and
Cybermonk later on.
*** Now talking in #amiclub
*** AMI-Gerbi (smtb@modem-82.erythromycin.dialup.pol.co.uk) has joined
<Troggy> Hi sam!
<AMI-Gerbi> hi neil
<Troggy> I'm still trying to read your email
<AMI-Gerbi> it a long one isnt it
<Troggy> ooer :)
<Troggy> oh, the email! yes. it is.
<AMI-Gerbi> which ftp server have you got?
*** WndrGrl has quit IRC (Read error to WndrGrl[client201-124-28.
bellatlantic.net]: Connection reset by peer)
<Troggy> I use TerrapinFTP
<Troggy> why?
<AMI-Gerbi> imean the one that other people use server, not client
<Troggy> oh, sorry. erm, It's called Bisonware FTP server
<AMI-Gerbi> i cant see that one, i`ll get war ftf
<AMI-Gerbi> ftp even
<Troggy> :)
<Troggy> I've finished reading your email now
<AMI-Gerbi> have you finished the e-mail
<Troggy> yes
<AMI-Gerbi> do you understand what i`m getting at?
<Troggy> I think so.
<Troggy> I don't know if what you say is true or not though
<AMI-Gerbi> do you think it will work?
<AMI-Gerbi> its true for an isp though
<AMI-Gerbi> what isp would an isp connect to
<Troggy> :)
<Troggy> I don't know.
<Troggy> It might work.
<AMI-Gerbi> so, what we gonna talk bout t`night
<Troggy> well for starters, what's the QNX demo like?
<AMI-Gerbi> its pretty good, gui is abit like windoze though
<Troggy> what can you do with it?
<AMI-Gerbi> it come with web server,browser,connecter
<Troggy> cool. that where you got the idea for a web server?
<AMI-Gerbi> 3d demo, game and a bit more
<AMI-Gerbi> yeppy
<Troggy> you like that word? :)
<AMI-Gerbi> the problem is that the demo don`t find hd
<AMI-Gerbi> so you cannot use your hd
<Troggy> the problem for me is it doesn't bloody work :)
<AMI-Gerbi> so you need to save and load everything to disk, which is full
<AMI-Gerbi> :)
<Troggy> It say's its got about 3 gig on it
<AMI-Gerbi> what, your hd
<Troggy> no the floppy.
<AMI-Gerbi> mine is 2.6 with 10% left!
<AMI-Gerbi> floppy with 3gig?
<Troggy> I don't think it does have 3 gig on it
<Troggy> but the QNX demo buggered the disk up
<AMI-Gerbi> somehow, neither do i
<Troggy> and windows says it has 3 gig on it
<AMI-Gerbi> all files are compressed
<AMI-Gerbi> its probably a shitty disk
<Troggy> yeh. probably.
<AMI-Gerbi> try it with a different disk
<Troggy> I will.
<Troggy> You don
<Troggy> oh s**t.
<Troggy> didn't meant to type that
<AMI-Gerbi> oh ye, what is the ami-net url
<AMI-Gerbi> oh what?
<Troggy> which aminet? UK or the main US one?
<AMI-Gerbi> whats you don mean?
<AMI-Gerbi> uk
<AMI-Gerbi> or us
<AMI-Gerbi> both
<AMI-Gerbi> or just uk
<AMI-Gerbi> uk please
<AMI-Gerbi> there are 2?
<Troggy> http://uk.aminet.net/~aminet and
<Troggy> There are more than two.
<Troggy> Mirrors
<AMI-Gerbi> there are around 4365763287506
<Troggy> no 4365763287507 :)
<AMI-Gerbi> i typed in search about 2 years ago and got pages full
<Troggy> what on Aminet?
<AMI-Gerbi> i`ve only been connected 2 months
<AMI-Gerbi> eh?
<AMI-Gerbi> yeppy aminet
<Troggy> oh. There's about 4 gig of stuff on there
<Troggy> which is quite a lot
<AMI-Gerbi> that all?
<Troggy> are you serious?
<AMI-Gerbi> 1 gig on each cd
<AMI-Gerbi> yeppy
<Troggy> well...
<Troggy> Last time I read it (about 2 years ago) there was 4 gig.
<Troggy> Probably about 17million gig now :)
<AMI-Gerbi> probably
<AMI-Gerbi> hopefully
<Troggy> it's bloody annoying having to wade through all that stuff
<Troggy> Issue one of WOA is on there you know
<AMI-Gerbi> what stuff?
<Troggy> all those lhA archives and things
<AMI-Gerbi> is it - you put it there?
<AMI-Gerbi> how do you lha something?
<Troggy> yes. after spending days trying to figure out how to upload to it
<Troggy> Lha'
<Troggy> I keep missing backspace and pressing return, sorry.
<AMI-Gerbi> i miss backspace and press #
<Troggy> To LhA something, you wait a min and I'll send you a small proggy
to do it for you.
<AMI-Gerbi> ok
<AMI-Gerbi> over e-mail?
<Troggy> do you know how to unlha things
<AMI-Gerbi> yep
<AMI-Gerbi> yeppy
<Troggy> oh. I'll send it as an Lha then :)
<AMI-Gerbi> ok
<Troggy> It's compressing now.
<AMI-Gerbi> do you have amiga stuff on your pc, or you dragging it from
your miggy as i type
<Troggy> I'm just using crossdos on the miggy
<Troggy> and bringing the disks to the PC.
<AMI-Gerbi> and putting it on 720 msdos disk
<AMI-Gerbi> i have to do that lots
<Troggy> Yeppy :)
<Troggy> It's only 28K, I've sent it.
<AMI-Gerbi> i`m gonna replace all the zipped files on pc with lha-ed files
so amiga users can use hem -which is the whole point realy
<Troggy> yes, I downloaded snakewars today, and I had to rename all the
files because they were 8.3 filenames
<AMI-Gerbi> i won`t get it for a few mins, as i`m downloading stuff and
when i use e-mail program it kills download
<AMI-Gerbi> i know, sorry about that
<Troggy> :)
<Troggy> Still downloading?
<Troggy> Oh s**te!
<AMI-Gerbi> a different proggy this time an ftp server
<AMI-Gerbi> oh what?
<Troggy> I think I downloaded a duff program a couple of days ago.
<AMI-Gerbi> which proggy?
<Troggy> Every time I run it, it cocks up the entire system. It's some
online counter program
<AMI-Gerbi> download complete
<Troggy> First it's display buggers up and then if I try to switch
programs, the whole system goes down.
<AMI-Gerbi> my web site is moving to www.ami-web.webjump.com
<Troggy> webjump? what's that?
<AMI-Gerbi> a web hosting place, 25 meg web space and super fast servers
<Troggy> cool. I've got one on Geocities, but it's shit.
<Troggy> :)
<AMI-Gerbi> its completely different to curreent one - not going to be
<Troggy> ok. did you go to my site earlier on?
<AMI-Gerbi> hold on just looking now - go e-mail
<AMI-Gerbi> whats thta big - something coming soon thing about?
<Troggy> :)
<Troggy> I'm going to be having a complete overhaul of the entire thing.
<Troggy> The whole place will be infested with Javascript
<AMI-Gerbi> like mine will be?
<AMI-Gerbi> like mine is?
<Troggy> Better pictures, more interesting info, links, photos, frames,
cgi scripts and loads more!
<Troggy> Seen the updated UCM page?
<AMI-Gerbi> cool - like mines gonna have, except no frames
<Troggy> yeh
<Troggy> Hey, I had an Idea earlier
<AMI-Gerbi> which was...
<Troggy> do you know when the WOA 99 show is this year?
<Ange> the was last on IRC channel #amirc 21 days, 12 hours, 21 minutes ago.
<Troggy> ?
<AMI-Gerbi> probably around summer
<Troggy> right, I'm probably going, are you?
<AMI-Gerbi> yeppy!!!!
<AMI-Gerbi> of cousre
<AMI-Gerbi> course
<Troggy> we should do a huge joint report for it for the diskmag.
<Troggy> on it, not for it.
<Troggy> take pictures and everything.
<AMI-Gerbi> cool!
<AMI-Gerbi> ye
<Troggy> Just have to find out when it is now.
<Troggy> Hey, have you got 3.1 ROM's or 3.0?
<AMI-Gerbi> it was in af a few weeks back wasn`t it?
<AMI-Gerbi> 3.0
<Troggy> yes, it was in AF, I think. I've got 3.0. Are you going to get
WB3.5 when released?
<AMI-Gerbi> probably not
<Troggy> why?
<Troggy> cos you have to get 3.1 roms?
<AMI-Gerbi> want to get a new cpu and ram and gfx card, tower ect
<Troggy> I need a tower. Desperately. My trapdoor is bulging and it keeps
<AMI-Gerbi> :)
<AMI-Gerbi> my trapdoor is emtpy :(
<Troggy> Hey, you know what? I think WOA has got the BEST news service in
any diskmag!
<AMI-Gerbi> what make you say that?
<AMI-Gerbi> not saying it doesnt
<AMI-Gerbi> hold on i`ve gotta leave for a min
<Troggy> All the other diskmag's I've seen have got a few details on a
couple of news items and WOA issue two has got this huge news archive
dating back to december.
<Troggy> Ok.
<AMI-Gerbi> i`ll be back in five mins!
<Troggy> right.
<AMI-Gerbi> save this buffer thing as well
*** AMI-Gerbi has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** AMI-Gerbi (smtb@modem-21.visine.dialup.pol.co.uk) has joined #amiclub
<Troggy> welcome back
<Troggy> :)
<AMI-Gerbi> hello again
<Troggy> what were you doing?
<AMI-Gerbi> what we talkeing about?
<Troggy> WOA's news service :)
<AMI-Gerbi> i need toilet, food and to dissconnect
<AMI-Gerbi> oh ye
<Troggy> Most other diskmag's news sections are crap :)
<Troggy> no offence to any other mags :)
<Troggy> For instance.......
<AMI-Gerbi> :)
<Troggy> Did you know Waster Dreams is now called 'Distant Space'?
<Troggy> Wasted, not waster :)
<AMI-Gerbi> is it?
<Troggy> yep.
<Troggy> Did you know the company who was making it has been taken over?
<AMI-Gerbi> no
<Troggy> Did you know clickBOOM have their own chat room on their website?
<Troggy> Did you know the first PPC graphics card is available now?
<AMI-Gerbi> no
<Troggy> And did you know Gareth Murfin has one? He must be raking it in :)
<AMI-Gerbi> yes
<Troggy> Did you know the Voodoo 3DFX card will be made for the Amiga?
<AMI-Gerbi> yeppy
<Troggy> Did you know Foundation is set for a major overhaul?
<Troggy> Did you know two new games (Zambrosia and Abducted) are in
<AMI-Gerbi> ok
<Troggy> you get the picture? :)
<Troggy> That's only half of the news article!
<Troggy> Sorry, I'm just redesigning the backdrop for the menu frame on my
<Troggy> That's why I didn't speak much then.
<AMI-Gerbi> oh ye, this ucm whens it finished
<Troggy> Erm, around April/June I think.
<Troggy> why?
<AMI-Gerbi> i tryed to download it but it didn`t work
<Troggy> it's not there yet.
<Troggy> :)
<AMI-Gerbi> i know tht
<Troggy> oh.
<AMI-Gerbi> oops not meant to be in upper
<AMI-Gerbi> tipic-topic
<Troggy> new topic? er, like what?
<AMI-Gerbi> how do you get screen shots on amigas
<Troggy> Use a program like Quickgrab
<AMI-Gerbi> where from?
<Troggy> It lets you press a key combination and then grabs the screen
<Troggy> Aminet, or I can send you it
<AMI-Gerbi> send
<Troggy> Oh, hold on. Have you got AFCD16?
<Troggy> The Issue 100 one?
<AMI-Gerbi> yeppy
<Troggy> It's on there.
<AMI-Gerbi> ok in shareware section?
<Troggy> -In_The_Mag-/Top_100_Shareware/
<Troggy> somewhere in there I think
<AMI-Gerbi> ok
<AMI-Gerbi> have you read the revenge review yet?
<Troggy> Yep.
<AMI-Gerbi> any good?
<Troggy> yep.
<Troggy> I've used it.
<Troggy> If you want proper bullet points, try ALT and 8
<Troggy> on the miggy
<AMI-Gerbi> in notepad?
<AMI-Gerbi> oh
<Troggy> What did you write it in?
<AMI-Gerbi> i write it in word to chek spelling
<Troggy> :)
<AMI-Gerbi> check
<Troggy> shame this doesn't have a spell checker ;)
<Troggy> How many people are on your ICQ contact list?
<AMI-Gerbi> not realy
<AMI-Gerbi> 1 at moment 2 in a few days
<Troggy> Who's the second?
<Troggy> If you don't mind me asking :)
<AMI-Gerbi> Keeef, the person on my web page
<AMI-Gerbi> he got one the day after me
<Troggy> ok. I've got about 8 people.
<Troggy> You might want one of their ICQ numbs, because he's the HTMLconverter for
<AMI-Gerbi> not really
<Troggy> Oh well.
<Troggy> Isn't paint shop pro crap?
<AMI-Gerbi> by who
<Troggy> what?
<AMI-Gerbi> who made panit shop pro
*** Cybermonk (SayWhat@ti15a02-0060.dialup.online.no) has joined #amiclub
<Troggy> eeh.
<Troggy> Some crappy company called Jasc, I think
<AMI-Gerbi> ok
<AMI-Gerbi> never used it
<AMI-Gerbi> i use photoshop
<Troggy> I use Personal Paint :) For the Amiga anyway.
<AMI-Gerbi> i like dpaint
<Cybermonk> hello there!
<Cybermonk> how are you all
<Troggy> fine, If hungry :)
<AMI-Gerbi> hi
<Troggy> I like Dpaint too, sam, but I thought the image processing stuff in
PP was better.
<Troggy> The move tool is still damn powerful though.
<AMI-Gerbi> yeppy
<Troggy> Cybermonk, you don't mind if this is saved in a diskmag do you?
Because that's the reason me and Ami-Gerbi are on here.
<Troggy> Just have to ask because you've said something and I couldn't put
it in if you didn't want me to.
For reasons explained in the next bit, I got disconnected here. This
meant that my nick was still on there and I couldn't use it, so I
had to come back as Trogman.
<Trogman> Weird!
<Trogman> Hello, again.
<AMI-Gerbi> hey, neil, are you trogman agian, just trying to confuse me?
<Trogman> I am trogman
<Trogman> Got cut off.
<Trogman> Sorry
<AMI-Gerbi> again?
<Trogman> yes. It's my dad, he picks up the phone downstairs to see if I'm
still online
<Trogman> and it sometimes cut's me off :(
<AMI-Gerbi> oh ye, what is the url for aminet, its no longer on my screen
*** Troggy has quit IRC (Read error to Troggy[modem-59.glucophage.dialup.pol.co.uk]:
Connection reset by peer)
<Trogman> Ah good, I can get my old nick back now.
*** Trogman is now known as Troggy
<AMI-Gerbi> eh?
<Troggy> the uk one is uk.aminet.net/~aminet
<AMI-Gerbi> when some one pick up the phone it crashes my computer!!!!!!!!!!
<Troggy> really?
<AMI-Gerbi> you know the quiz on you page, in java - it don`t work!
<Troggy> I know :) Can't be arsed getting rid of it.
<Troggy> I got it from a Free Java hosting site
<Troggy> I'll get rid of it soon.
<Troggy> Sam, can you check my FTP site?
<AMI-Gerbi> ill try
<Troggy> You connect to ftp.trogsoft.uk
<Troggy> Did you reply to my question Cybermonk, I got cut off before I
could read it?
<AMI-Gerbi> did you know if you put uk.aminet.net/#aminet instead of
~aminet on the end it come wuth an elephant page!
<Troggy> no. Cool. I'll try that :)
<Troggy> Have you checked my FTP site?
<AMI-Gerbi> failed to connect to ftp.trogsoft.uk
<Troggy> damn.
<AMI-Gerbi> ill try something else
<Troggy> Try connecting to
I was also disconnected here, and couldn't reconnect :( so that's the
end of this one :)